CleanSpace Getting Installed
The crew installed the top half of the CleanSpace so that they could prepare the bottom half of the wall.

Sump Pump and CleanSpace
Here's a photo of where the crew will be installing a sump and preparing the wall for the second half of the CleanSpace to be laid.

Crawlspace Encapsulated
This photo looks into the crawlspace half of the basement. It will connect with the CleanSpace that will be installed on the walls of the basement outside the crawlspace.

New, Bright Storage Space
This crawlspace will be great use of storage once our crew finished with the installation of CleanSpace.

Hole for Sump Pump
Here's where the crew will install one of the new sump pumps.

In the other room of the basement, we also installed a SuperSump pump. This basement will now have two sumps to handle the amount of water that was previously coming into the basement.

Yukon Style Waterproofing
This is a view of how we installed this Yukon style Waterproofing System. The new floor will be poured by a contractor right on top of the WaterGuard system instead of digging a trench.

Cutting CleanSpace to Fit Wall
Our crew members are making sure that this CleanSpace will be cut and fit to specification so that when the contractor comes in to pour the new floor in the "Yukon" style waterproofing job, it will seal up perfectly.

Doorway to Second Room of Basement
Here's a view looking into the back room of the basement opposite the crawlspace. The CleanSpace will soon be wrapped around the doorway to fit flawlessly before the new concrete floor is poured.