Window Well Cover Protection
A polycarbonate cover keeps leaves and debris out while allowing natural sunlight to enter your basement.

RockWell Window Wells
Looks and feels like real stone. RockWell has duplicated the look of real stone so you don't have to look out of your new basement windows at a plastic-looking well.

CompleteAire Dehumidification System
Our CompleteAire Dehumidification system comes with a 5 year bumper to bumper warranty. Say good bye to odors, mold and mildew growth and no longer have a damp feeling basement.

Draining water from the dehumidifier
Our dehumidifiers have a hose connected to the machine that can be set near a floor drain in the basement. No longer will this homeowner have to empty a bucket of water from a box store dehumidifier.

Storing items on pallets
Its definitely a problem when you don't trust using your basement for storage when you need to put items on pallets to prevent them getting ruined by water intrusion.