Cleaning up the water mess
The homeowner was constantly cleaning up water leaking from the egress window well with towels.

Water Leaking from Egress Window Solved
A WellDuct drainage system was installed behind our vapor barrier system installed on the walls. Any water that fills up into the window well with drain into the WellDuct System and channel through to the interior waterproofing system, WaterGuard.

Completed Waterproofing solution
The concrete is filled over the WaterGuard system installed that will collect any ground water seepage that would enter into this basement.

Good Bye Old Sump Pump
Old sump pump system with no cover, will soon be upgraded to a better quality pumping system.

SuperSump Pump System Installed
The SuperSump Pump System can help keep the basement dry. The SuperSump includes a powerful Zoeller 1/3 horsepower cast iron sump pump that is capable of pumping 2,220 gallons of water per hour and includes an air-tight lid.