Before Installation Photo
Unhappy with the black hose on the lawn, Rich called the right place!

Installation In Progress
The crew uses a tarp to pile the dirt dug out to properly installed the 4" pipe underground to discharge water from the homeowners sump pump.

Discharge Outlet
The LawnScape Basket is the green part (it can blend with the grass) is where the water will exit the discharge line.

IceGuard Connection
The IceGuard installed next to the home is a product that will prevent freeze ups from happening in the winter when the underground discharge line freezes. The water that needs to pump is still able to exit the home out of the IceGuard.

Positioning the Discharge Location
The best placement for designing a discharge line is to have a slope. For this installation there was a slight down hill slope to the area to allow for exiting the water away from the home.