Before Basement Waterproofing
Our customer in Fridley, MN was experiencing water coming in through their foundation floor and wall joint.

Waterproofing Installation in Progress
Our installation team used a jack hammer to break open the floor and haul out concrete. The team had began to hang a wall barrier called CleanSpace on the walls of the homeowners basement to protect from moisture and water seepage. A barrier is recommended especially before finishing your walls.

Basement Waterproofing System
The CleanSpace Wall System installed on the full wall of the basement and WaterGuard is installed at the floor wall area at the footing of the foundation. Rock and Tape is installed on top of the drainage system.

New SuperSump Pump System
Our WaterGuard system installed works with all of our many sump pump options. Our customer decided on the SuperSump Pump System and has a 1/3 hp motor that can pump up to 2600 gallons per hour.

Completed WaterGuard and CleanSpace Installation
Our customers basement walls look clean and bright with the CleanSpace Wall System and you see a new drain tile system using WaterGuard is in place along the perimeter.