Finished Basement Before Waterproofing Installation
For proper installation of our waterproofing system, homeowners do some preparations of wall and floor removal prior to the project beginning.

WaterGuard Installation
Our install team removes the concrete along the perimeter and sets the WaterGuard Drainage System. WaterGuard will collect any ground water seepage. WaterGuard is a non-clogging system and different from traditional drain tile systems installed.

WaterGuard Installation Continued
Rock is covered over the WaterGuard Drainage System before getting the concrete finish

New SuperSump Pump Installation
Our Falcon Heights, MN customer has a new SuperSump Pump System to work at pumping any water seepage that comes in through the foundation.

Completed WaterGuard Installation System
The WaterGuard System is installed along the perimeter of the home and beautiful CleanSpace Wall System is installed on the walls to protect from moisture. Our customer can now rest assured when getting ready to finish the basement that they will have no more water issues with our lifetime warranty!