Moisture Source #1: Block Foundation
Block foundations commonly are a source for moisture in basements. As water collects in the earth around your home, it is forced into the basement through the space between the blocks.

Moisture Source #2: Floor
It is also common for moisture to enter the basement through the flooring. To overcome both sources of moisture, the crew installed a full perimeter waterproofing system and CleanSpace wall vapor barrier to collect and remove all water from the home.

Installation Progress
After installing the waterproofing system around the perimeter of the basement, the crew prepared the area to replace the concrete.

Before & After
The homeowner had wood paneling in the basement, which can lead to mold and mildew problems if the wood is ever exposed to moisture. The crew installed InSoFast along some of the walls, which can then be finished to the homeowners' preference.

Finished Product
Once the entire system was installed and concrete was replaced, the homeowners could begin work on finishing the basement to meet the needs of their family!