What to Expect
You know the crew has arrived when you see the truck outside your home with our mascot "Jackhammer" on it. As the crew works to unload materials and prep the space, the foreman will walk you through the project to ensure that you both are on the same page before getting to work.

Moisture Problems
Block foundations are notorious for allowing moisture into the home. This can cause water damage and mildew problems if left unresolved.

Prepping for Waterproofing
The crew worked to remove cement around the perimeter of the basement where the waterproofing system is installed.

Sump Pump Installation
Our patented SuperSump works to collect the moisture from the waterproofing system and remove it from the home.

CleanSpace Makeover
CleanSpace is a vapor barrier that keeps the basement dry at all times.

Bright, Clean & Dry
Compared to the before photos that showed mildew and moisture seeping through the walls, CleanSpace is a major facelift for any basement!

Installation Complete
After completing the cement work, the crew worked to connect the battery backup, and conducted a final walkthrough with the customer to ensure that he was completely comfortable with using his system. Each sump pump comes with a brief information guide, and contact information directly on the unit so that customers can contact us at anytime if they have questions or concerns.

The Crew
Despite the dust in the air, it is obvious that this team loves what they do every single day for our customers!